IIRF is pleased to announce publication of its Strategic Year Book – 2022-23.
The book is now available at Amazon, Flipkart, and Notion press site.
Launched on 20 May 2023 at Bangalore By General MM Naravne PVSM,AVSM,SM,VSM ADC (Retd)
IIRF Strategic Yearbook 2022-23
Editor: Rishi Athreya, Col P. Madhavan (Retd), Gp Capt Raj Shekhar Mehta, SC (Retd)
Editorial Adviser: Lt Gen C. A. Krishnan, PVSM, UYSM, AVSM (Retd)

Strategy today is a complex field, totally modern, partially digital, and technologically challenging, encompassing a global dimension of war or near-war situations.
This IIRF Yearbook is a one-stop terminal for all strategic activity worldwide that occurred or is relevant for the past year. It is a treasure trove of information addressing the needs of everyone.
The Yearbook rightly commences with an overview of the year. The following Section is on the Strategic Scenario and covers neighbourhood and larger global challenges. The next Section covers Doctrinal Thinking in India. The following Section covers nuclear warfare and the international and South Asian scenarios. The following Section is on Grey Zone Warfare. It covers the conceptual basis and practical scenarios. After covering thematic topics, the book moves on to specific regional issues facing India. There is a section on Continental Challenges. It covers South Asia, East Asia, and Eurasia. It includes military, environmental, infrastructure and political threats. The following Section is on Maritime Affairs and covers the entire Indo-Pacific from the Indian and the Pacific Oceans, including Oceania and the North American Pacific coast. Finally, the book has a section on Geoeconomics and covers national, regional, and global challenges facing India.
The book is in colour print on gloss paper. Charts, diagrams, and illustrations make the text easily readable and comprehendible.
Verily, this Yearbook is a rare, essential, and valuable reference book on Global Strategic Affairs for all soldiers, politicians, bureaucrats, media personnel, researchers, and students of Strategic Affairs worldwide.
The IIRF Year Book is organized under the following broad sections –
Foreword by Amb Anil Trigunayat, IFS (Retd) Patron IIRF
Introduction to IIRF by Gp Capt Raj Shekhar Mehta Shaurya Chakra (retd)
Introduction to IIRF America by Mr Guru Prasad Sowle
Geopolitical Review of the Year, Lt Gen A.K.Sahni, PVSM, UYSM, SM, VSM (Retd): This gives an overview of major global events.
Introduction and Editor’s note: Lt Gen C.A. Krishnan,PVSM, UYSM, AVSM (Retd), R. Athreya, Col P Madhavan (Retd), Gp Capt Raj Shekhar Mehta, SC, (Retd)
The book has the following sections:
Strategic Scenario
1. India’s Complex Strategic Environment, Lt Gen P.R. Shankar, PVSM, AVSM, VSM (Retd) The immediate neighbourhood and its impact on India are examined.
2. National Security Strategy Post Covid-19: A Revised Calculus, Maj Gen G. Murali (Retd): The Covid Pandemic and its impact on security and foreign policy are examined with solutions given for India.
Doctrinal Thinking
3. Role of the Chief Of Defence Staff in the Context of Civil-Military Relations in India, Brig (Dr.) L.C. Patnaik (Retd): The creation of the post of CDS was a watershed in India and has had a major impact on CMR in India.
4. Higher Defence of War in India, Maj Gen A.K. Chaturvedi, AVSM, VSM (Retd): The higher leadership of defence in India is examined in detail.
5. Maritime Nuclear Power Challenges and Strategic Maritime Power, V Adm Vijay Shankar, PVSM, AVSM (Retd): India faces security challenges from China in the maritime domain that could involve nuclear weapons.
6. Pakistan’s Tactical Nuclear Weapon’s: A Calculated Bluff, Maj Gen M. Singh, SM, VSM (Retd) and Col V. Jaitly The nuclear scenario in the sub-continent and danger of use of TNWs by Pakistan is examined.
Grey Zone
7. Grey Zone Operations in the Infospace Dimension: Call to Action for the Indian Armed Forces, Lt Gen R.S. Panwar, AVSM, SM, VSM (Retd): The concept and operation of Grey-Zone warfare is examined.
8. Israel: The Master of Grey Zone Warfare and Lessons for India, Lt Gen Dushyant Singh, PVSM, AVSM (Retd): This is a case study of grey zone warfare as practised by Israel
9. Artificial Intelligence and Consciousness, Col Vijaykant Chenji, (Retd)
Continental Challenges
10. Russia – Ukraine Crisis and Lessons for India, Lt Gen Dushyant Singh, PVSM, AVSM (Retd): The Russia Ukraine conflict, the impact and lessons for India are analysed.
11. Water Security: Internal and External Dynamics of Future Politico-Military Conflicts, Air Marshal V.P.S. Rana, PVSM, VSM (Retd): Water security for India vis-à-vis neighbouring countries are analysed.
12. An Analysis of the Infrastructure in Tibet, Col P Madhavan (Retd): The infrastructure in Tibet and the implications for India are discussed.
13. Who Derailed Pakistan, Col Nilesh Kunwar (Retd): The misgovernance by the Pakistan Army is discussed.
14. Afghanistan: Future Written in History, Air Marshal Anil Tiwari PVSM, AVSM, VM (Retd): The scenario in Afghanistan and role for India are discussed.
Maritime and Indo Pacific
15. Non Traditional Maritime Threats, V Adm M.P. Muralidharan AVSM & Bar, IN (Retd): Threats besides other nation states are discussed with suggested responses for India.
16. AUKUS Quad and options for India, Rishi Athreya: The creation of the new AUKUS pact the impact on the Northern Quad and options for India are discussed.
17. India Taiwan: Way Forward, Gp Capt A.V. Chandrasekaran (Retd): This paper studies the relations of India and Taiwan.
18. Rationale Behind BRI, Gp Capt R.S. Mehta, SC (Retd): This chapter discusses the BRI in the context of USA and China rivalry.
19. Sagarmala Opportunities and Challenges, Gp Capt R Srinivasan, VSM (Retd): This paper studies the maritime management in India under the Sagarmala scheme.
20. Economic Aspects of the Afghanistan Crisis, Sunil Pant: This chapter discusses the economic fallout of the Afghanistan crisis.
21. Rare Earths: Overview and Indian Perspective, Lt Gen C.A. Krishnan, PVSM, UYSM, AVSM (Retd): This paper analyses the global REE scenario from an Indian perspective.
Following are the recommendations and praises
“I am happy to note that the Indus International Research Foundation (IIRF) is publishing its Yearbook with exemplary contributions by leading experts and specialists from defence to the economy to foreign policy. This compendium will provide the reader with an objective and fact-based assessment which is also the dictum and idiom of the IIRF”
– Ambassador Anil Trigunayat, IFS (Retd)
“IIRF Strategic Year Book is an outstanding collection of strategic wisdom of the best minds in the profession. It deserves its rightful place on the table of every strategic thinker and students of security studies within and outside our country”
– Vice Admiral Shekhar Sinha,
PVSM, AVSM, NM and Bar (Gallantry), ADC (Retd),
Member Executive Council MP-IDSA, Advisor CENJOWS
“The distilled wisdom of several distinguished contributors gives an overview and deep insights into the strategic challenges facing India. The IIRF Strategic Yearbook is a must-read for all scholars, practitioners and thinkers alike.”
– Maj Gen Abhradhwaj Parmar, VSM (Retd)
Director STRIVE
IIRF has carved out a special place as a credible public policy research institute within a short time and deserves wholesome recognition praise for this Yearbook. I have no hesitation in recommending the book as a must for all libraries of universities, colleges, think tanks and institutes of higher learning.
– Commodore RS Vasan IN (Retd)
Director-General C3S, Regional Director, NMF TN
This Annual Book is an excellent compilation of a wide range of security issues facing India. All articles provide deep insight and unique perspectives on this important subject. Book is most relevant for Defence and IR analysts, diplomats, policy makers as well as for those in the media.
– Air Marshal B.N. Gokhale PVSM AVSM VM (Retd)
Director, CASS Pune
“The wide spectrum covered by the year book addresses myriad subjects ranging from topics such as geo political and geo strategic developments to environment challenges and maritime issues and their economic effects. My compliments to your team at the IIRF and all the distinguished contributors for bringing out the yearbook which provides a kind of one stop shop on contemporary issues facing all of us worldwide..”
-Nitin A. Gokhale